Join the fun by helping children
Read Across the Bluegrass over Spring Break!
There are three simple ways to get involved:​
VOLUNTEER TO PACK SPRING BREAK BOOK AND SNACK BAGS for Central KY kids! Volunteers are needed on March 14 to help pack book and snack bags for 1,000 local students to take home over Spring Break . Volunteers will help decorate paper bags with personalized positive messages and doodles (no need to be Picasso!) then fill the bags with nonperishable snacks and a new book. These bags will be distributed across our 10-county service region the Friday prior to Spring Break. Volunteers must be over the age of 9 and volunteers under 18 must have adult supervision. Register to volunteer HERE.
PURCHASE BOOKS for Central KY kids through our Amazon WishList.
Books will be donated to children through local elementary schools and UWBG WayPoint Centers.
DONATE $10 TO UWBG to support our fight for the literacy and education of all Central KY students.
To make a gift, click here.