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View From Our Office: Jamie's Story

Angela (far right) helps collect donated shoes.

The following testimonial was written by UWBG staffer, Angela Crow.

The United Way Women United Lace up for Learning program is near and dear to my heart. Since it launched a few years ago, I have had the privilege of delivering new shoes to students in our ten-county service area. (One of the highlights of my job!) Typically, I have only heard secondhand about the smiles they bring to the children’s faces when they try on a brand-new pair of name-brand sneakers, instead of the hand-me-downs and cheaper shoes they are used to getting.

Recently, I received a special order for a little girl in Woodford County, we'll call her Jamie. Upon arrival, the Family Resource Specialist asked if I wanted to stay while she called Jamie to the office to receive her shoes.

Volunteers decorate bags and write encouraging notes to students who will be receiving new shoes.

The sweet six-year-old politely sat in the chair to receive help in putting on her new shoes – I was introduced to her and watched as her eyes lit up with excitement that matched the smile on her face. As she was leaving, the Family Resource Specialist asked her to say 'Thank you to Ms. Crow'.

As she headed out the door donning her new shoes, Jamie turned to me and said, “Thank you, Crow!” My heart melted.

Angela Crow is the Development Officer for Stewardship & Data Mining at United Way of The Bluegrass. If you know a child that could benefit from the Lace Up for Learning program, please contact your school's family resource specialist.


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