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Clark County Volunteer Spotlight: Carolyn Hampton

As we learn more about Clark County, today we are excited to feature volunteer extraordinaire, Carolyn Hampton!

Carolyn Hampton is a loyal volunteer with Clark County’s RSVP Trailblazers program, a national initiative that provides volunteer opportunities to people who are 55 or over who want to remain active in their community. The program specifically focuses on tutoring and mentoring children between ages four and eighteen.

Let’s learn more about Carolyn in our question and answer session below!

What kind of volunteer work do you do with the Trailblazers?

I go into schools and if there’s a student that needs help with reading or with math, I just sit with them and do anything I can to help or encourage them.

What made you realize you had a passion for mentoring kids?

I’ve always had a passion for helping, no matter what the situation is. I really believe that kids in the school system need to see more faces that look like theirs. With children, you shouldn’t wait until there’s a problem - you should be there anyway. The kids need to see and know that there are people that are concerned and care for them.

What is your favorite part about working with the RSVP Trailblazers program?

The Trailblazers program has been a blessing for me because it gives me an opportunity to get out and meet new people. Of course, with the pandemic going on, it makes it more difficult to be able to be out there and help others. But anything I can do to help the community, I’m all for it.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I enjoy doing crafts. I don’t craft anything in particular, I just like to do things at least once just to say that I’m able to do it.

Fast questions:

What five words would you use to describe yourself?

I’ve never really tried to describe myself, I just try to be as helpful as I can to others.

Are you an early bird or night owl?

Definitely a night owl.

If you could time travel, would you go back in time or to the future? What would you do?

I would definitely go to the future. And I don’t know what I’d do, that’s something that’s wide open. The future is limitless - we don’t know what it holds. I just think it would be exciting to find out what I’d be doing then.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I’d want to be like Superman and be able to fly.

Do you prefer the lake or the beach?

I’m not much of a water person, but I do like the sound and smell of the outdoors… If I had to choose, I would say the lake.

Thank you for your fabulous volunteer work with the RSVP Trailblazers Program, Carolyn! We appreciate everything you’re doing to help kids in Clark County!

To learn more about the RSVP Trailblazers and how you can get involved, click here.



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