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United Way of the Bluegrass (UWBG) is committed to fighting for the education, financial stability, and basic needs of everyone in Central Kentucky. Through the work of UWBG programs, grant-funded programming, and our non-profit partners, we’re making great strides to create a thriving community where everyone can prosper. 


Below, you will find an overview of the grant process. Click here to see the full document, including compliance rules and our non-discrimination policy. Applicants must review the full document before applying to ensure your application fits our criteria. 


Applications will open on February 14, 2025, and close on Monday, April 7th, 2025. 


If you are interested in applying for a grant from United Way of the Bluegrass, please contact Grants at

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Collective Impact Grant – Investment Focus

Approximately half of United Way of the Bluegrass’ (UWBG) annual funding will be reserved for Collective Impact Grants, which are dedicated to the support of our collective impact framework within physical locations known as “WayPoint Centers.” 


In low-income neighborhoods, many families struggle to access the resources they need to thrive. That's where WayPoint Centers come in. These physical centers are in communities that have been historically marginalized, underinvested in and impacted by systemic racism and generational poverty. They are staffed by caring case managers who are dedicated to helping individuals and families connect with the resources they need to succeed. 


UWBG’s WayPoint staff members work to build strong relationships with community organizations and service providers to identify the needs of the community and then provide or connect people with services that can help. They offer a range of resources, including financial literacy training, out-of-school time programs for children, rent and utility assistance, and job seeker services. 


Through their collaborative efforts, WayPoint Centers can leverage the community's strengths and work together to create positive change. They are a beacon of hope in neighborhoods that have been too often overlooked and make a real difference in the lives of those they serve. 


Organizations applying for a Collective Impact Grant should be able to provide a service to our clients in one or more of our WayPoint Centers. Currently, UWBG has three (3) centers, and they can be found at the following locations: 


  • Black & Williams Center, 498 Georgetown St., Lexington, KY 40508

  • Marksbury Family WayPoint Center, 400 E. Fifth St., Lexington, KY, 40508

  • Centro de San Juan Diego, 1389 Alexandria Dr., Lexington, KY 40504


If programs are unable to serve residents and families within a WayPoint Center, they may still be eligible to receive funding via the Collective Impact Grant if they serve residents and families within specific, targeted census tracts. Programs that plan to have a physical presence in and around the Centers via the Collective Impact Grant should operate within at least one of the following issue areas: 




Family Financial Stability & Economic Empowerment

Access to Health Care

School Success

Job Seeker Services

Basic Needs Grants – Investment Focus

Approximately half of UWBG’s annual funding will be reserved as a “Basic Needs Fund” to provide basic needs services to low-income and underserved residents throughout Central Kentucky. “Basic needs” will include any service that is specifically targeted at low-income and underserved individuals and families and addresses (but is not limited to) one or more of the following: 



(emergency, temporary or permanent housing or payment assistance)

Domestic Violence Prevention and Protection Services

Health Services (dental, medical, mental)

Financial Assistance

Legal Services

(childcare; early childhood, adult, out of school time, parenting)

Clothing, Sundries and Material Goods (ex: coats, smoke detectors, work boots)

Transportation Services


Basic Needs Grants may cover more than what is listed above. The Fund will support two separate Grants: the Single-County (or “Local”) Basic Needs Grant and the Multi-County (or “Regional”) Basic Needs Grant. 



Volunteer reviewers and committees, consisting of community members, score and evaluate all grant applications. The UWBG Board of Directors makes the final decisions based on the grant recommendations from the United Way of the Bluegrass staff and the Community Impact Regional Advisory Council.


For more information on our grants process, or to apply, please contact


To learn more about UWBG and our current partners or

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