The work being done across the Bluegrass takes the effort of a team. We are thankful for the board members who give their time and talents to make a difference. UNITED we win!
Dr. Kenneth Jones – Chair
Kyle Murray – Vice Chair
Anna Minrovic – Treasurer
Timothy Johnson – Secretary; Chief Executive Officer
Valerie Marshall – Immediate Past Chair
Paul Rooke
Craig Daniels
Brandon Eason
Rev. Richard Gaines
Bob Kain
David Kidd
Caryl Pfeiffer
Chas Sargent
Maura Smith
Cathy Jennings
Jade Miles
Brien Lewis
John Bevington
Juan Castro
​Michael Schachleiter
​Laura Carpenter
Kathy Jaeger
University of Kentucky
Ernst & Young
United Way of the Bluegrass
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Community Volunteer
Community Volunteer
Stock Yard Bank & Trust
Consolidated Baptist Church
Jack Kain Ford
Truist Financial
Community Volunteer
Traditional Bank, Inc.
Toyota Kentucky
Frankfort Electric & Water Plant Board
Transylvania University
The JCC Group
Fifth Third Bank of Kentucky
Dean Dorton