Make the Most of Your Money
Bank on Bluegrass is a program designed to ensure that everyone in our community has access to a safe, affordable bank account, especially those who have had difficulties opening or maintaining an account in the past.
Why Open an Account?
Pay less, risk less, save more!
If you don’t have a bank account, you could pay up to $40,000 in fees over a lifetime. With a bank account, you can build a positive credit history, pay your bills online or with a check for free, and eliminate the risk of theft or loss.
Open your low-cost,
low-risk account today!
Locations for free account setup coming soon
Have more questions?
Contact Patrice Muhammad at
Local banks are committed to providing low-cost, low-risk bank accounts.
Local community organizations are committed to providing training and support to individuals ready to set goals and start on the path to financial independence.​